About me


Hello Lovely People !!

Welcome to my Blog.

I am Ekta Minocha aka The Vegan Birdie, Yet to find a description for my evolving self… A few words could be.. ‘The Cat Lady’, ‘Yogini’, ‘Multipotentialite’, ‘Traveller’, ‘ShutterBug’. The list to grow as life happens :-).

I am vegan since 2015. I have been an Animal lover ever since I know myself. After becoming aware of the horrors inflicted on animals for meat I turned vegetarian 15 years ago. Inevitably Veganism was on the cards. I have met many conscious people on my life’s path who have pushed me forward on my journey.

I grew up spoilt for choices in food, my mom is an avid experimenter in kitchen and we ate a variety of cuisines as a child. Being a Punjabi family from Northern India our lives were intricately and emotionally connected to food. After going Vegan there was no looking back for me. With the support of amazing people around me, my kitchen experiments began and continue 🙂 My love and respect for food from various cultures has only expanded with time.

Inspired to promote the cause and help people take steps into vegan food I started a Vegan Bakery from my home which is called “HomeMade Beku”. I am a sucker for home made baked items. Nothing compares to a homemade warm baked goodness for me. I combine these two emotions in my baking. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram by the same name.

Around the same time when I started my vegan journey I also trained to be a Yoga teacher. I have been teaching past couple of years and Yoga teaching and Practicing has enriched my life thoroughly. I feel blessed to have Yoga in my life and love to share what I know and make other people feel amazing with Yoga. I conduct online classes, personal yoga training and therapy. I am active on my instagram handle by the name theveganbirdie if you wish to follow my Yoga journey. In future I intend to share more about my Yoga journey and learnings on this blog.

Veganism , Yoga and my recent interests have been on holistic living, healing and eating. Hence you may see some really healthy food recipes here 😀 while some quite indulgent. I wish to maintain a balance.

I am on a spiritual journey here. Hope you enjoy following it.

Love, Ekta